Monday, September 16, 2013

What We're Using

Ugh, I feel like I'm already behind in my blogging! There's so much I want to write about, and only so many hours in the day. I want to jot down a quick list of our curriculum for this year before I post my recap from last week.

Our main curriculum is Five in a Row - I have volumes 1 through 3, and the cooking, bible study, and holiday supplements. Right now we're using volume 1 and since it's our first structured school year, I'm giving myself two weeks to "row" each book. I felt that stretching it out would give us a chance to read the main book the first week and spend the second week on read-alongs while focusing on areas they had more interest in.

I'm supplementing math and phonics as recommended, because both kids are working around a K level in math, and the Heffalump is reading at about a 2.5 grade level. The Woozle isn't far behind him in reading, but she doesn't like to read aloud unless she knows all the words herself, so it's hard to judge her exact level. For math right now, I'm using the Spectrum 1 workbooks and then supplementing with in-depth studies when I see a weakness. For phonics, I'm using a mixture of spelling lists and comprehension readings (fiction and non-fiction) from K12 Reader, Zaner-Bloser, and Phonics by the Book.

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